Network Olympus: Monitoring
Allows you to perform continuous real-time monitoring of servers.
Version: 1.8.2 - May 31, 2024 - All Windows
Network discovery software

Network Discovery Software

All the information about your network devices and structure at your fingertips.
Track the devices in your network

Track the devices in your network

Network Olympus discovery tool can deal with the tasks of any complexity when it comes to network discovery scanning. Therefore, we would like to draw your attention to our network device scanner, a module responsible for scanning the network and tracking the devices that are a part of it. With it, you can effortlessly get up-to-date information about the network structure.

The port scanner is able to detect devices, components and hosts. Its distinctive features include but are not limited to ICMP, ARP, TCP ports scan, Active Directory domain search, network adapters, IP ranges analysis, Workgroup enumeration, etc. Each scanning task can be scheduled via the dedicated Scheduler tool.

With our network discovery tool, you can track the whole process from start to finish. Besides keeping an eye on the process, you can also schedule and completely control it.

Pick the suitable work mode

Pick the suitable work mode

The tool that discovers network devices can work in two modes. Fast scanning allows performing tasks automatically. The network IP scanner creates a list of tasks when the operating system starts. Those tasks can be conveniently scheduled and allow to detect various objects like the whole network, domain, work groups, IP ranges, etc. without any additional adjustments.

Manual scanning is a more custom solution. It provides you with the opportunity to create special user scanning tasks for different objects of your network that we have listed above: the network, domain and workgroups.

Widget to manage your processes

Widget to manage your processes

The network tree is the main management widget as it displays the network structure and its hierarchy in perfect detail. All recently added devices are put into a new group in the network tree. Groups and devices together make up the nodes of the network tree.

Each network device can be monitored. Such characteristics as its IP address, hostname, and OS are tracked and logged as the device’s parameters and can be easily retrieved. Groups considerably improve the monitoring process. They increase the efficiency of the process and make it seamless and clear.

Scanning speed & results you will appreciate

Scanning speed & results you will appreciate

Automated scanning is the easiest way to add a new device to the tree. You can add devices to the network manually, as well as adjust the whole scanner to meet your specific needs. Then, it is all about the results. The advanced network scanner works at a great speed: the comparison with the similar tools demonstrates our solution’s considerable advantage. As a result, our network discovery software provides you with the details about the network device discovery process and its progress.

Features of Network Olympus discovery tool

Network Olympus presents its network discovery tool that is able to deal with even the most complex tasks, like network discovery scanning. For this reason, we would emphasize our network device scanner. This module scans the network and then tracks all the connected devices. With this tool, you can straightforwardly extract any relevant data about network structure.

The scanner tracks devices, hosts and bears separate features. These features involve various scans, such as ICMP, ARP, TCP, scanning network adapters, IP ranges, Active Directory domain groups, or Workgroup enumeration. However, these features are not all — there are other ones. Every scanning operation can be scheduled via the Scheduler tool.

Key features and capabilities

Our network device discovery tool can operate in two modes. The first mode is Quick scanning that provides automatic task performance. The IP discovery tool creates a queue of tasks when the system begins to run. The tasks can be scheduled and track various objects, including IP ranges, work groups, domains, the whole network, etc., without additional settings.

While automatic scanning is the most effortless way to attach a new device to the network, you can add them manually as well as set up the entire scanner. This is the second mode that allows configuring the scan tasks more precisely. The advanced network scanner works so fast compared with similar solutions, proving the advantages of our network device discovery feature.

Advanced network mapping

The network tree provides clear and comprehensive mapping for your network, and being the main management widget, it accurately displays the network structure with its connections. All recently listed devices are inserted into a new group in the widget display. These devices and groups make up the nodes of the network tree.

Every network device can be tracked and monitored. Indications like IP address, OS, and hostname are logged as the parameters of the device and can be straightforwardly retrieved. The presence of the group creation feature enhances the monitoring, making this process more efficient, clearer, and seamless.

Device and topology detection

Network Olympus is a network management tool that integrates connection mapping with asset management and monitoring capabilities. This feature clarifies your network devices availability and ensures a centralized platform for your infrastructure.

With Network Olympus, you can track device status and their performance as they come in. It ensures that you can identify and resolve issues quickly, optimize web performance, and provide effortless operation of your environment.

Advantages of using Network Olympus

Using this solution means receiving the following benefits:

  • Tracks all connected devices.
  • Extracts relevant data about network structure.
  • Versatile scanning options.
  • Flexible scheduling of scanning operations.
  • Fast scanning compared to similar solutions.
  • Clear and advanced network mapping.
  • Accurate display of network structure.
  • Easy management of devices and groups.
  • Efficient monitoring of network devices.
  • Quick retrieval of device parameters (IP address, OS, hostname).
  • Quick and simple actions from the network map directly.
  • Enhanced monitoring and actions through grouping.
  • More efficient, clear, and seamless monitoring process.

Networking discovery software — free for 60 days

Network Olympus shares a free network discovery tool for a period of 60 days. Grab the trial without activation or required registration. Just add an unlimited number of devices to your network. However, alternatively, you can choose another license type for your thriving business.

When the trial mode expires, the freeware mode takes action. The plan offers unlimited time and the opportunity to connect up to 10 devices.

Purchase the Network Olympus

Pay once, keep it forever! Purchase the lifetime license for the network discovery program of Network Olympus. The all-in-one commercial plan nicely fits companies with more than 10 devices and involves free premium support. We understand that every company will invest in the most effective way for them. There, we implement a wide range of licenses to choose from based on your business requirements.

What is network discovery in Network Olympus?
Network discovery in Network Olympus is a feature that automatically detects all devices connected to your network. Afterwards, this helps you visualize your network topology and monitor the status of each device.
How does Network Olympus perform network discovery?
Network Olympus uses various scanning techniques to identify devices on your network. This includes IP range scanning, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) queries, and network service detection to gather detailed information about each device.
Can network discovery tool identify devices that are not actively communicating?
Network Discovery is designed to detect devices that are currently online and communicating. Devices that are offline or not responding to network queries might not be identified in the discovery process.
How frequently can Network Olympus update network discovery information?
Network Olympus allows you to configure the frequency of network discovery updates according to your needs. You can set up scheduled scans to keep your network map and device information up-to-date.
What types of devices can Network Olympus detect?
Network Olympus can detect a wide range of devices, including routers, switches, servers, workstations, printers, and other network-connected hardware. The level of detail provided depends on the device's responsiveness and the protocols supported.


Choose the license type that is a perfect fit for your business needs:


An unlimited number of devices for 60 days free of charge.
No activation or registration required.


All-in-one. For companies with more than 10 devices.
Includes free premium support.


No time limits. Connect up to 10 devices.

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